Low NPSH Seal-less
Magnetic Drive Pumps
for pumping hazardous fluids
The leader in Regenerative Turbine Pump Technology Roth Pump Company has been at the front in developing innovative, high quality regenerative turbine pumps and condensate return systems since 1932
Roth Pumps are proven precise powerful for unmatched reliability
Leading in regenerative turbine pump technology, Roth Pump Company manufactures the most advanced dependable regenerative turbine chemical process pumps, industrial pumps, and steam condensate pumps available today.
The Roth regenerative turbine pump is uniquely suited for low NPSH applications. Roth Pump has pioneered Low 1 ft NPSH pumps for high pressure pumping, which require only one foot of Net Positive Suction Head while operating at lower motor speeds.
Roth pumps are designed to handle liquids up to the following characteristics:
Roth regenerative turbine pumps can safely pump liquids close to the boiling point without the detriment of cavitation or loss of flow.
Roth chemical processing pumps include a standard chemical duty, low NPSH, seal less magnetic drive, and low NPSH multistage pump options to pump a wide array of chemicals including liquefied gases.
For pumping water, light hydrocarbons, or liquefied gases, our industrial pump options include end mounted pumps, low NPSH industrial, multistage industrial, and boiler feed pumps.
Our wide selection of steam condensate pumps and packaged steam condensate return systems provide energy efficiency options and space saving designs for returning the maximum amount of steam condensate energy to the boiler resulting in lower installation, operational, and maintenance costs.
Since its inception in 1932, Roth Pump Company has manufactured the highest quality and uncompromising regenerative pumps on the market. With our strong foundation in the pump industry, we continue to build the worlds leading regenerative pumps and steam condensate return systems.
For a technical overview of our regenerative turbine pumps please view the articles Regenerative Turbine Pump - Little Pump Big Head an overview of the regenerative turbine pump and how it compares to a centrifugal pump and also Regenerative Turbine Pumps - The Clear Solution for Volatile Fluids covering why a regenerative turbine pump is suitable for handling highly unstable liquids.
Regenerative Chemical Pumps

Roth Pump Company offers highly reliable non cavitating chemical pumps. Proven designs to handle corrosive and hazardous materials reliably, making them a critical component in any chemical processing plant.
More about chemical pumpsSteam Condensate Return

Roth Pump Company's full line of steam condensate products ranging from small efficient units to large, high temperature units for the most demanding applications. More about steam condensate return
More about steam condensate pumps